Assignments are a common way to assess students’ performance in schools and universities. Your teacher gives you all assignments to evaluate how much you understand a particular topic. Moreover, it assists them to judge your writing skills.

Thus, To Make Your Assignment Stand Out In Class,

You must show your knowledge of the topic as well as excellent writing skills. Writing skills play an important role when it comes to assignments. If you have poor writing skills, it will make it hard for you to give your arguments.

Students who lack good writing skills face difficulties with scoring good grades on their assignments. Despite realizing that they need help with their writing skills, many students ignore this aspect. However, as a student, it is necessary that you have the skill set to write assignments.

This blog talks about things you need to know in order to improve your assignment score. It helps you to understand the weak points of your assignments. Finally, the blog discusses 4 strategies that you can follow to improve your assignment score.

Some Most Common Mistakes Students Make While Writing Assignments

Now, before you follow the strategies Assignment Helpers London can help you improve your assignment score, you need to know some of the most common mistakes in your assignment. These are common mistakes made by students.

Let’s look at them one by one.

Lack of Understanding of the Assignment Requirements

The most common mistake that students make when writing assignments is analyzing the assignment. Analyzing an assignment includes reading the instructions of the assignment properly. Students often fail to read the instructions that are given by the teacher.

What happens when you do not read the instructions correctly? When you fail to analyze the topic of the assignment, you automatically fail to focus on the correct aspects of the assignment. As a result, you will address the wrong part of the assignment. It will not meet the criteria set by your teacher.

Poor Research on the Topic

One important aspect of writing an assignment is to do extensive research on the topic of the assignment. Students do not realize how important it is to be well-read on the topic they are writing about.

If you do not research the topic thoroughly, you will not have enough information on the topic. You will not be able to present your arguments or support them. Your assignment will also be redundant since you will repeat the same ideas and concepts to meet the required word count.

Lack of Good Writing Skills

Another common mistake that teachers find in students’ assignments is with structuring and organizing the assignment. Assignments in which the ideas are not well-organized do not appeal to the teacher. Such assignments get lower grades. In addition, if you fail to break your ideas into paragraphs correctly, your assignment will sound incoherent.

Making basic grammar, punctuation, and spelling mistakes immediately puts off the teacher. Also, it distracts them from focusing on your ideas and arguments.

Strategies to Improve Your Assignment Score

Now, you have understood what you were doing wrong in your assignments. It is time that you learn how to solve these mistakes. One easy solution is to get help from our top experts at “All Assignments UK“. We have a team of professional assignment writers who can write high-quality assignments at low prices.

Another way to deal with bad grades on your assignment is to follow 4 simple strategies that will help you improve your assignment scores.

Let’s Discuss All 4 Of Them…

Examine the Assignment Question Correctly

Examining the question of the assignment is the first step toward an assignment that gets you good grades. If you want to score good grades on your assignments, you need to know how to examine the assignment questions correctly. To do so, you must read the instructions provided by your teacher properly. Your teacher has given you the instructions for a reason.

Now, you must be thinking about what it means to read the instructions properly. You must focus on the parts of the assignment question. This includes topic words, limiting words, and task words of the assignment question. You can highlight these words using different colors so that you do not miss them.

Let’s Understand What These Are!


Assignment Questions 

Example: Discuss the impact of renewable energy on climate change.

Topic WordsWords that focus on the main area of interest. These are the words you

need to write about.

Renewable energy
Words that tell you how to approach the topic of the


Limiting WordsWords that narrow down the focus of the topicClimate change

Research and Brainstorm Ideas on the Topic

Once you have examined the guidelines of the assignment, you need to start looking for good ideas. First, list out ideas that you have in your mind. You can make a Venn diagram or a mind map to do so. After you have written everything on paper, start your research.

Research is the most important part of assignment writing. It helps you to understand the topic of the assignment and present your arguments. Once you are done with the research phase, try adding more ideas to your paper. This time you will have many ideas that you would want to work with. Do not think of using all of them. Sort out 2 to 3 best ideas and start working with them.

Use Appropriate Tone to Write Assignments

When writing assignments, you need to understand what the academic tone of writing is. All assignments use an academic tone unless the teacher specifies to do otherwise.

Your teacher would not want to read an assignment that sounds like a message to a friend. So, if you want your teacher to take your assignment seriously, you should know how to write assignments using an academic tone of writing.

But wait! What is an academic tone of writing? An academic tone of writing has certain characteristics. Some are listed below for you:

It is formal. Therefore, it does not use slang language. Academic writing is neutral as it presents information in an unbiased manner. And lastly, it presents information that is supported by evidence.

Structure Your Assignment Properly

Your assignment must follow a proper structure. That is, it should have a logical structure. To achieve this, break your assignment into 3 parts.

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • Conclusion

How to Write Introduction

Introduction is the first part of your assignment. Your assignment should have a strong introduction. It includes your thesis statement. It mentions what your assignment will discuss in the following sections. A good introduction also outlines the structure of your assignment.

By reading your introduction, your teacher will estimate your knowledge of the topic. You should avoid making any mistake in your introduction. Your introduction should be 10% of your assignment.

How to Write Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs are as important as your introduction or conclusion. Each of your body paragraphs should have its topic sentence. The topic sentence tells what the paragraph will cover. In other words, your paragraph should discuss the topic sentence in detail. So, make sure you do not include more than one idea in a single paragraph.

How to Write Conclusion

The conclusion is the last part of your assignment. It summarizes your assignment. In addition, it is also 10% of your assignment.

While many students paraphrase their introductory paragraph in their conclusion, this is not the correct way to write your conclusion. Make sure not to make this mistake. A good conclusion includes your thesis statement and the main points of your body paragraphs.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, writing an assignment is not challenging. However, writing a good-quality assignment is not very straightforward either! But why? This is because writing high-quality assignments demands certain skills. When students learn the skills of researching and writing, it becomes easy for them to get good grades. So, all the students who struggle to secure good grades on their assignments must read this blog carefully. This blog highlights 4 simple strategies to improve your assignment score. Try out these strategies to see your assignment score go up.

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Henry Doherty

Expert Assignment Writer

Henry Doherty is a devoted academic writer who likes to support students in their journey. Henry’s job as an Assignment Writer enables him to use his wealth of knowledge and expertise in Accounting, Statistics and CIPD assignments. His passion for meticulousness and pursuit of perfection make him work tirelessly on each assignment up-to the most demanding standards. Each task he undertakes is approached with certainty and exactitude because he has profound comprehension on principles pertaining Accounting, analysis techniques Statistical and CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development) areas of specialization.


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